Sunday, August 17, 2008

Found... the peasant woman whose anguish told the world of the horror of Georgia's war

It is the unforgettable image that has come to symbolise the brutality of Russia’s bloody invasion of Georgia – a middle-aged woman slumped, wounded and screaming among the rubble and flames of a bombing raid.

Immediately behind her are the blasted remains of a tenement building in the northern town of Gori, destroyed by Russian bombers last Saturday as they missed their intended target, a military base nearby.

She is one of many victims of the war over South Ossetia – the small, Russian-backed province of Georgia claiming independence – and her harrowing photograph has been seen across the globe, including the front page of last week’s Mail on Sunday.

But until now her identity has remained unknown, her plight and medical condition a mystery. Yesterday The Mail on Sunday tracked down Giuli Beruashvili to a hospital bed in Tbilisi.

Our search began by handing out dozens of copies of her photograph to refugee co-ordinators and with many phone calls to families, shops and institutions in Gori.

And our tactics paid off in a street where thousands were queuing at a government emergency centre to be given food and blankets.

A group of peasant women saw the picture and began to talk excitedly about their friend Giuli.
One woman, grandmother Kxatuna Kaphnadze, wept as she identified her neighbour. ‘We thought she must surely be dead,’ she said.

Kxatuna gave us a mobile phone number for Giuli’s son Levan and within minutes he was telling us tearfully about his mother, who is making a slow and painful recovery from horrific injuries.

Tragically, she has not been able to speak a single word since she was caught up in the attack. Doctors believe she has been so severely traumatised that it may be months before she will be able to talk.

Giuli, a 58-year-old mother of five, has suffered internal injuries and has severe flesh wounds in her right shoulder and a shattered elbow. There are at least 13 pieces of shrapnel deeply embedded in muscle tissue on her back and thighs.

Her surgeon, Dr Leri Pilpani, said: ‘This lady has remained in total shock since she found herself so close to the explosion. You could say she is lucky to have survived at all because a building collapsed right beside her.

‘She was taken first to a hospital in Gori where she underwent an operation for damage to her liver and her pleural cavity [around the lungs] was drained. Then she was brought here to Tbilisi, where it is safer.

‘She was in the resuscitation ward for several days, kept alive on a ventilator. Her physical condition is now stable and she is getting better every day, although she is still in severe pain from the shrapnel wounds and her shoulder may need reconstructive surgery.

‘What worries us most is that she simply cannot speak. She can hear us and understand us. She can smile and nod and shake her head. But the only sound she makes is a continuous note of distress. The neurologist is worried about her.

‘Maybe only the love and patience of her close family can bring her back fully.’

Levan, 26, who is Giuli’s eldest son, was at his mother’s bedside yesterday. He held her hand as she tried, hopelessly, to trace images on the wall next to her bed to explain to him what happened last Saturday.

Russian troops began to pour into South Ossetia the previous day, hours after Georgia launched an offensive aimed at restoring control over the breakaway province.

When Russian fighter jets blitzed Gori last Saturday, a Georgian town of about 50,000 people 15 miles from the Ossetian border, it was claimed their target was a military barracks on the outskirts.

But they missed, instead turning five blocks of flats into rubble, killing scores of people and sending thousands of refugees fleeing the town.

Last week Gori was under the control of Russian troops. The few remaining civilians had been targeted, with homes, the post office, a theatre and the university destroyed, according to Georgian officials.

As Levan filled in the details in Giuli’s extraordinary story, it became clear that the routine of hardship and poverty that led her to be walking alone, burdened with shopping, at 6am in Gori was no less heartbreaking than the terrifying incident itself.

Giuli’s fortitude mirrors that of thousands of other families now displaced and living as refugees in makeshift camps in Georgia’s main cities.

Levan explained: ‘We live in Berbuki, a farming village about three miles from Gori. My mother gets up at dawn every day to milk our three cows. She makes yogurt and bottles the milk, then she takes it to sell to small shops in the town.

‘When the soldiers started shooting there was no public transport, so she walked into town, carrying about 60lb of goods with her.

‘She uses the money she makes to buy rice, vegetables and sugar to carry home. Back at our cottage she cooks our food and my sisters, aged 14 and 19, help with the cleaning, washing and taking care of the cows.

‘My father used to have a job as a long-distance truck driver, but now he rarely finds work so my mother’s money is our only regular income. She brings less than £10 a day into the home but somehow we get by.

‘I have a leg injury from a bad fall years ago and I cannot find work. My younger brother is only 12, so he is still at school.’

Giuli’s eldest daughter is now 28 and has two sons, aged eight and nine. She lives with her husband in Kvamokxviti, a village nearer Gori, and yesterday they were still stuck in the area which has come under attack by Russian and separatist forces.

Levan, close to tears, explained how he heard air strikes over Gori and rumours of widespread civilian casualties last Saturday.

‘I knew they must be hitting the area where my mother was walking,’ he said. ‘I ran all the way into Gori to look for her but everywhere was deserted. People called to me from their apartment buildings to say that ambulances had taken away the dead and wounded.

'All around me were collapsed buildings and rubble, and huge fires right by the road. There were police and firemen but no one had seen my mother. It was chaotic.

‘I went to the hospital but I couldn’t find her. I saw many dead bodies and it was terrible to be looking for my own mother among them.’

He took a lift in a neighbour’s car to Tbilisi because Gori was being evacuated.

‘Everyone was going,’ he said. ‘Nobody stopped to pack. There were fighter jets overhead and tanks coming into town.

‘We know the Russian soldiers are ruthless and we feared attacks from the South Ossetian separatists. We had to get out with just the clothes we were dressed in.

'First I went to Gudushauri Hospital. I had almost lost hope of finding my mother when a nurse told me that an unnamed woman had been there but had been sent to the intensive care unit at another hospital.

‘I was out of my mind with worry. I didn’t know if my mother was dead or alive and nobody seemed to have heard her name.

‘I searched every ward at the National Centre of Surgery, a big complex of hospitals in Tbilisi. They let me into the resuscitation ward and there she was – unconscious through anaesthetic and on a ventilator machine with many cables attached to her.

‘I was so happy to find her alive, but so upset to see her like that. I was crying and the doctors were very sympathetic.

‘They told me that she could not speak. They said it was the shock. The bomb blast had done these terrible things to her.’

Levan and his father, Vasili, were registered as refugees and given shelter at a Tbilisi school, where the pupils are on holiday.

‘I have been several times to sit with my mother and I know she is recovering physically,’ Levan said.

‘She recognises me and she can nod and smile a little bit but so far she can only make a small crying noise, nothing else.’

He said his father was too depressed to visit his wife.

‘I have to be the head of the family at present. I am searching for an apartment to rent in the city so that we can bring my mother home and be together again. Then maybe she will be able to talk to us.’

Levan said his mother was ‘a very strong woman’ who ruled the household. ‘She is in charge of everything and quite strict with the younger children,’ he said. ‘And she is the only person earning money. I don’t know how we will manage if she does not fully recover.’

Levan described a simple way of life in Berbuki village, with its small subsistence farms.

‘The kitchen is the liveliest place in our home, where my mother bakes bread and prepares her yogurt and milk. We cannot imagine life without her at the centre of it,’ he said.

He had no idea that her harrowing image had been seen by millions of people worldwide and that many of them cared about what had happened to her.

‘She will be amazed to know that people have seen her and feel something for her,’ he said. ‘Perhaps that will help her back to full health.

‘Like all Georgians, my mother has seen a lot of fighting and death. It will be good for her to know there is kindness, too.’