Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is this Bigfoot? Hunters set to provide DNA evidence after releasing amazing photo

For years the Bigfoot has remained an elusive enigma, capturing the imagination in the same way as the Loch Ness Monster or the Yeti.

But today, two professional Bigfoot hunters claim to have found the body of the mythical creature - and say they are storing it in their freezer.

According to a press release posted online, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer claim to have found the animal in the woods of northern Georgia, in the southern United States.

The pair say that the male creature is over seven feet tall, weigh more than 35 stone, and has reddish hair and black-grey eyes.

The creature is also said to have flat feet and a footprint that spans over 40cm.

However, doubt has been cast on the pair's claims as the body will not be unveiled at the press conference.
Instead, a grainy photo has been released which has sparked massive interest - as well a fair amount of scepticism - across the internet.

The link to the press release has seen such huge amounts of internet traffic it is no longer accessible.

Expert Bigfoot tracker Tom Biscardi has been hunting the creature since 1971 and has told the Sydney Morning Herald that he is convinced the find is genuine.

'It's a huge situation for me after 35 years, because I've wanted to bring one back,' Mr Biscardi said.

'They showed me the body. They took me to the area where they found it - it took a day and a half to get there.'

'I got to be honest, when I first saw it I hated to see it in that state it was in. I wanted to capture one so the world could see it walking.

'I guess this is the next best thing for the time being,' he said.

Mr Biscardi said that a video filmed by the two men the day they found the body showed at least 'three others walking upright like a man'.

He is now co-operating with the two men in trying to capture another Bigfoot alive.

'We trekked in for a day a half - what kind of lunatic would be out here in a monkey suit? I saw the thing, I touched it,' Mr Biscardi said.

'They're fine guys, one works for the police department in Georgia, and the other was a correctional officer. They're pretty credible guys.'

The Bigfoot, also known as a Sasquatch, is said to roam the forests of north-west America and some suggest that it may be related to the Asian Yeti, or Abominable Snowman.

The Bigfoot first came to prominence in popular culture in 1967 when filmmakers Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin released a video which contained what they claimed was a genuine video of the mythical creature.

Since then many have sought to debunk the myth saying the film clip simply shows a man in ape suit.

To this day, no Bigfoot , living or dead, has ever been found.