Monday, August 11, 2008

Russian troops take first steps deep into Georgian territory

Russia's opening of a second front saw it strike 20 miles inside Georgia near the breakaway province of Abkhazia. The move cut the country in two by seizing a key road and rail junction.

The capture of the town of Senaki in western Georgia marked the moment the ground war spread beyond the boundaries of the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It underlined the ease with which Russia has so far been able to act against its tiny neighbour, incurring nothing but harsh words from the West.

The Senaki operation by about 300 Russian troops coincided with Georgia's heavily outnumbered forces abandoning the central city of Gori and going into full retreat.

After their operations were complete, Russian forces withdrew from the city.

“Russian forces have destroyed Senaki military base and have left it,” said Shota Utiashvili, a spokesman for the Georgian interior ministry.

His comments confirmed an earlier Russian statement.

President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia accused Russia of the "invasion, occupation and annihilation of an independent democratic country". He added that Russia was carrying out the "pre-planned, cold-blooded and pre-meditated murder of a small country".

Mr Saakashvili urged the international community to act.

President George W Bush criticised Russia's "disproportionate" actions and said that Georgia's "sovereignty must be respected".

Bernard Kouchner, the French foreign minister, arrived in Georgia and visited Gori, areas of which have been heavily bombed. "We are here to stop this bloody war," he said. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, which hold the European Union's rotating presidency, is expected to visit Georgia tomorrow and then fly on to Moscow to urge a truce.

Gordon Brown said there was "no justification for continued Russian military action in Georgia, which threatens the stability of the entire region and risks a humanitarian catastrophe". The Prime Minister added: "There is an immediate and pressing need to end the fighting and disengage all military forces in South Ossetia. The Georgian Government has offered a ceasefire, which I urge the Russians to reciprocate without delay.

Georgia declared a unilateral ceasefire on Sunday and withdrew its forces from South Ossetia, where the fighting began last week. This enclave, populated largely by Russian citizens, is now firmly in the Kremlin's grasp.

President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia said that the "major part" of his country's operation in South Ossetia was over. But he gave no indication of whether he would follow Georgia and call a ceasefire. Later Russia stepped up its attacks in the main body of Georgia.

In Senaki, 40 Russian lorries and armoured personnel carriers stood at a junction on the main highway linking east and west Georgia. By striking from Abkhazia and seizing this key position 20 miles inside Georgian territory, the Russian troops had severed a crucial communications artery.

Georgia's Black Sea coast and the port of Poti are now sealed off from the rest of the country. In effect, Russian forces have sliced Georgia in two.

"We are here for protection, just protection," a platoon leader told The Daily Telegraph before ordering us out of the area. Within hours the Russian troops had taken a military base inside Senaki and were turning away traffic.

Pressure on Poti is now being exerted on two fronts. A Russian warship patrols the Black Sea coastline and is believed enforce a 50-mile exclusion zone. To the East, the capture of Senaki cuts off the port's land links.

Poti was also bombed last week and nine people died. Alan Middleton, the port's British general manager, said that although no ship had been courageous enough to test the proposition, he assumed that Poti was now blockaded from the sea.

Elsewhere, Russian artillery deployed in South Ossetia bombarded the village of Tkviavi, which lies five miles inside Georgia, near the road southwards to Gori. Air strikes on Georgian military positions nearby also took place.

Later, Russian helicopter gunships flew low over Gori, dropping flares as a precaution against missile attack. Georgian troops promptly abandoned the city and retreated eastwards towards the capital, Tbilisi - only an hour's drive away. They began establishing defensive positions around the city in case of another Russian advance.

But Russia's defence ministry denied that any of its troops had actually entered Gori. No independent evidence suggests that Gori has fallen. But Mr Saakashvili claimed - without offering any evidence - that "the majority of Georgia's territory is occupied".

He added: "All that we have had from the international community is humanitarian aid, which is starting to arrive, and statements.

"Of course this is important, but we need much more."