Thursday, September 11, 2008

Secret to a long life: Lucozade, gardening and a steak supper

A glass of Lucozade and a spot of gardening followed by a steak supper could be the menu for a healthy old age.

Research shows that a combination of a sugary drink, gentle exercise and a protein-rich meal helps over-65s lose weight, build muscle and improve balance and flexibility.

The sweet drink, such as Lucozade, should be taken before exercise to give the energy boost needed to go for a walk, a session at the gym or to mow the lawn.

On finishing exercising, a protein-rich meal helps build muscle.

A three-month-long experiment involving around 80 pensioners showed this to be recipe for health, a science conference heard.

The men and women aged between 65 and 92 did weights at the gym, tai chi, stood on one leg with their eyes closed to improve balance and went for short walks.

Some were told to exercise more strenuously than others and some took Lucozade before exercising and a protein supplement drink after finishing.

After three months, all were more healthy.

However, the biggest difference was seen among those who had done the least strenuous exercise and had taken Lucozade and the protein drink.

These men and women had lost more weight and built more muscle and were more flexible than any of the others, including those who had done more strenuous exercise while supplementing their diet.

The Manchester Metropolitan University researchers said that while strenuous exercise, including lifting heavy weights, helps young people build muscle, the opposite appears to be true in old age.

It is thought that age-related changes in hormone levels and in the immune system lead to new muscle being broken down rather than built after strenuous exercise in the elderly.

But gentle exercise, of the sort that barely causes a person to sweat, still builds muscle and the process is helped along by having a protein drink or protein-rich meal on finishing exercising.

Researcher Dr Gladys Pearson said: 'We give advice that if you are going to be gardening, have a glass of orange juice beforehand.

'Straight afterwards, take have a steak or some milk because this is the time when the body is ready and raring to take up protein.'

The winning exercise routine involved a hourly gym session once a week, made up of a 10-minute warm-up, 30 minutes of weights, 10 minutes improving balance and coordination and 10 minutes of stretches and tai chi.

The pensioners also exercised at home, doing exercises with thick elastic bands that provide the sort of resistance usually obtained from weight machines at the gym and going for walks.

Boosting muscles and balance cuts the risk of falls and fractures, while losing weight benefits all-round health.

Dr Pearson said that her study had involved people in their 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, and it was 'never to late' to start exercising.

She added: 'With the known link between physical activity, nutrition and improved mood, exercise and nutrition "on prescription" for older individuals should be encouraged.

'With an ageing population and increasing levels of chronic age-related conditions culminating in fraility and disability, the role of exercise and nutrition programmes is likely to become increasingly significant in shaping the prevention, management and rehabilitation of these conditions.'